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Friday, February 20, 2015


Last week the students enjoyed a new field trip to MOSH, the Museum of Science and History in downtown Jacksonville. Though our trip started off with some complications with the buses and lunch, we were able to get things back in order and enjoy the new things at the museum. The students learned how their bodies work, explored treasures from sunken ships, experienced hurricane wind forces, traveled through time to see how Jacksonville has changed over the years, participated in an exhibit about the five senses, and more!
One of their favorite parts of the trip was the scientist who showed us a homemade rocket and made jet like sounds in a bottle. Check it out!
Click here to see some pictures from our fun trip!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

100th Day & Math Facts

Our class has been very busy these past few weeks as we finished up the 2nd quarter and made our way into the 3rd quarter and the second half of the school year.

We celebrated our 100th day of school this past Monday, the highlight of which was making our snack bags of 100 treats. The students used their math skills to practice counting by 10's as they filled their bags up with 10 different treats. Of course the day wouldn't have been complete if we didn't get to eat some of our snack when we were done!

The students have also been getting to know our newest classroom addition, Ms. Fridkis, an intern from the University of North Florida. She will be with us for the next few months as she completes her last step before graduation and a move into a classroom of her own.

The next few weeks will be just as busy as the last few. So be sure to keep up to date with our classroom events and practice, practice, practice at home with your child! Don't forget to click on the kindergarten website link at the top of the page to access weekly homework, monthly newsletters, math facts flash cards, sight word lists, and more!

Click here to see what we've been up to in room 123!